Tampa Acro Yoga


Together we Learn, we Grow, we Play
Encouraging everyone to be their unique awesome self;
Bringing positive energy to inspire confidence in others.

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A Journey Begins

What is Acro?

AcroYoga is a dynamic and collaborative form of physical practice that combines elements of yoga, acrobatics, and Acro Therapeutics. It involves two or more participants working together as a base (the person supporting from the ground), a flyer (the person lifted or elevated), and a spotter (who ensures safety).In AcroYoga, participants use trust, balance, and communication to create various partner poses and flows. It's a practice that emphasizes connection, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. AcroYoga can be practiced for various purposes, including fitness, personal growth, and building a sense of community.It's known for its playful and joyful approach to movement and human connection.To learn more about Tampa Acro, click on any of the options below:

Tampa Acro

Core Values

These core values guide us in creating a nurturing and respectful space where everyone can thrive and grow in their AcroYoga journey while fostering a strong sense of community.

Safety First

At Tampa Acro, we place the safety and well-being of every community member at the forefront of our practice.We are deeply committed to cultivating a safe and supportive environment for the practice of AcroYoga.We firmly believe that safety is a shared responsibility, encompassing the flyer, base, and spotter.Each individual plays a vital role in ensuring that we practice safely, making the well-being of our entire community our collective priority.

Consent is Key

We uphold a culture of clear and enthusiastic consent in all interactions.We respect personal boundaries and always seek explicit consent before engaging in any physical activities.

Mutual Respect

We believe in treating every individual with respect and dignity, regardless of their background, skill level, or experience. Respect is the foundation of our community.

Open Communication

At Tampa Acro, we understand that communication is the lifeline of safety and success in AcroYoga.We value open and honest communication as the cornerstone of our practice.We actively encourage all our members to voice their thoughts, concerns, and ideas, fostering a culture of transparency and understanding.Whether you are a base, spotter, or flyer, effective communication is the key to ensuring a safe and harmonious practice for all.

Building Community

We are more than just a group of individuals; we are a community united by our passion for AcroYoga.We support, uplift, and inspire each other in our practice and personal growth.

Mindful Relationship Building

While we acknowledge that relationships can naturally evolve within the Acro community, we encourage those who choose to date within our community to do so responsibly.We discourage the use of our community for dating or relationship-seeking purposes. Instead, please approach relationships with mindfulness and consideration, ensuring that they enhance, rather than disrupt, the sense of unity and support within Tampa Acro.Our primary focus remains on AcroYoga practice, education, and fostering meaningful connections built on shared interests and mutual respect.

What to Expect

Our Community

At Tampa Acro, we're more than AcroYoga enthusiasts; an inclusive and supportive community united by our passion for this transformative practice.Here, we prioritize collective growth and well-being over individual egos, recognizing that ego is the poison that can disrupt a community.In our ego-free environment, we support, uplift, and inspire each other, creating a space where every member feels valued.Join us in a harmonious community that embodies the essence of AcroYoga.Please ensure that you fill out the waiver available below before participating.For those interested in becoming a part of our community, we look forward to welcoming you to Tampa Acro.

Helpful Info


Acro Class vs Acro Jam?

While AcroYoga classes offer structured learning and instruction, Acro Jams provide a more relaxed, community-driven space for practice and exploration.Both have their unique benefits and contribute to the overall experience of AcroYoga.

When/Where do you Meet?

Join us every Friday evening for our AcroYoga sessions!At 6pm, we offer 'Intro to Acro' for beginners, followed by our 'Acro Jam' at 7pm.Find us at the Beck building near Armature Works in Tampa for our meetups.Stay updated with any last-minute changes by following our Instagram.

Is there a Cost?

Our Friday Intro class and Jams are offered free of charge, and we welcome contributions to our Patreon if you'd like to support us, though it's not expected.For other classes, workshops, or special events, there will be a separate fee, which will be communicated in advance.

What do I bring?

We recommend bringing a water bottle, hand towel, yoga mat, small snack and, most importantly, your enthusiasm to learn, participate, and connect with fellow practitioners.

What do I wear?

Wear comfortable, form-fitting athletic wear that allows ease of movement.Avoid loose or baggy clothing that may get in the way during practice.Barefoot or grippy socks are typically recommended for better traction.

What if I never tried Acroyoga?

Absolutely! We warmly welcome beginners to AcroYoga.We believe that a willingness to learn and an understanding that practice leads to progress are the key ingredients for success in our community.So, don't worry if you've never done AcroYoga before – you're in the right place to start your journey!

What Level of Fitness do I need?

While you don't need to be an acrobat, having a basic level of fitness and flexibility can enhance your AcroYoga experience.AcroYoga involves active engagement of your whole body and fluid movement, so being physically active can make it more enjoyable.If you have any physical limitations, please share them with our instructors, base, flyer, and spotter.We're here to facilitate a safe and inclusive practice for everyone, fostering an environment where you can have fun while cohesively practicing and learning together!

Can I take Pictures/Videos?

Absolutely! We encourage you to capture your AcroYoga moments and share them with your friends.Don't forget to tag @tampaacro and use the hashtag #tampaacro to help spread the joy of AcroYoga!

Any age restrictions?

Our events are intended for participants aged 18 years and older.

Community Safety Rule

To ensure the safety and well-being of all members, it is strictly prohibited to attend our events while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Any individual found in violation of this rule will be subject to immediate expulsion from the community, as safety remains our paramount concern.

Tampa Acro

Join the Tampa Acro Community on Patreon for Just $5!

Are you passionate about AcroYoga and eager to support the growth of this incredible practice?
Look no further! Tampa Acro invites you to become a valued member of our Patreon community for as little as $5 a month.

What You'll Make PossibleEducational Content: Your support will enable us to produce engaging and informative content that teaches AcroYoga techniques, safety practices, and tips for beginners and enthusiasts alike.Community Growth: We'll use your contribution to reach more people, fostering a vibrant and inclusive AcroYoga community right here in Tampa and beyond.Ready to take your AcroYoga passion to the next level? Join us on Patreon today, and let's soar together!

Tampa Acro

Contact Us

Interested in connecting with Tampa Acro? Simply fill out the form below to get in touch and stay updated on upcoming events and newsletters.
We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our community!

© 2023 Tampa Acro LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Tampa Acro

Thank you

Thank you for reaching out to Tampa Acro! We appreciate your interest and look forward to connecting with you. Your inquiry means a lot to us, and we'll be in touch soon to provide you with the information you're seeking.In the meantime, stay tuned for updates, events, and newsletters. We can't wait to embark on this martial arts journey with you!

Tampa Acro Yoga
Tampa Acro Yoga

Privacy Policy for Tampa Acro

Effective Date: September 20, 2023At Tampa Acro, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, and protection of your data. By using our services and website, you consent to the terms outlined in this policy.1. Information We CollectWe may collect and store the following types of personal information when you interact with Tampa Acro:Contact Information: Name, email address, and mailing address.
Financial Information: Payment and billing information.
User Content: Any content you voluntarily provide to us, including messages, feedback, and reviews.
2. Use of Personal Information
We use the collected information for the following purposes:To provide and improve our services, including communication, customer support, and personalized content.
To process payments and transactions.
To send updates, newsletters, and promotional materials (you can opt out at any time).
To comply with legal obligations.
3. Copyright and Image Usage
Tampa Acro reserves the copyright to all images produced by its employees/contractors during the course of their duties. These images may be used for advertising, promotional purposes, or other marketing materials unless explicitly directed via email not to do so by the person depicted in the image. If you do not wish to have your image used for these purposes, please contact us at tampaacro@gmail.com with a clear request, and we will promptly address your concerns.4. SecurityWe take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of data transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.5. Third-Party LinksOur website may contain links to third-party websites or services not operated by Tampa Acro. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites. We recommend reviewing their privacy policies.6. Updates to Privacy PolicyWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices and services. We will notify you of any significant changes through email or a notice on our website.7. Contact UsIf you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your personal information or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:Email: tampaacro@gmail.comThank you for trusting Tampa Acro with your personal information. We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe, enjoyable experience for our community.

Tampa Acro Yoga

Refund Policy: Tickets to Classes, Events, and Workshops

We want to make your experience with us as flexible as possible. Tickets for our classes, events, and workshops are refundable up to 48 hours before the event. However, after this time period, no refunds will be given.We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your participation in one of our upcoming events!

Upcoming Events

Please ensure that you fill out the waiver available below before participating in one of our Jams, Classes, and/or Workshops.

All Women's Acroyoga Workshop

All Women's Acroyoga Workshop #1 | Class 2
When: 11/18/23 2pm-4pm
North Shore Park, Saint Petersburg, FL

Tampa Acro Yoga

All Women's Acroyoga Workshop #1 | Class 3
When: 12/30/23 2pm-4pm
Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa, FL

Tampa Acro Yoga

All Women's Acroyoga Workshop #1 | Class 4 & Showcase
When: 1/20/24 2pm-5pm
Kinection Arts, Clearwater, FL

Tampa Acro Yoga

All Women's Acroyoga Workshop | Workshop #2
Coming soon